- Publisher: Eco-Logic Books
- Edition: 1st Paperback Edition (1 Sept. 2005)
- Available in: Paperback
- ISBN: 189923313X
Just what you need when you have no idea how to look after your composting worms. This easy to read guide helps you identify what you are doing right and just as importantly, what you are doing wrong.
Composting with a wormery really works. I read this book when I first started my wormery and everything has gone very smoothly and even through this cold winter my wormery is outside and the worms are still alive. The book explains all about why to compost in a wormery, including the type of worms you need, what the inside of the bin should look like if all is going well, and what to do if things aren’t going so well. The book also guides you on what sort of worm bin to get and how to get the best use out of your wormery compost.
This is an excellent read for those who want to know how worms compost and particularly for those who want to set up their own worm bin. Instead of digging around on the net for good worm guide you can purchase this book. It fills the gaps of knowledge that can make or break a wormery, save you time with explanations of the micro-climate that is a developing wormery & when to hold your horses as to assumed mistakes on the worried owners part.
I’m pretty sure that without this book my wormery wouldn’t be nearly as efficient. With it I’ve gained great knowledge and generated some beautiful compost. I’ve also avoided lots of mistakes.
Healthy worms make rich compost and this book will teach you how to make your worm population thrive after investing in your initial batch. Composting with Worms makes a great reference book which you can dip into when you need a quick reminder. Otherwise, once you’re properly set up, you can leave the worms to do what they do best… Recycle.